Serious Mistakes That Might Be Hurting Your Employees Mentally
- Author: Michael Bordonada
- Posted: 2025-01-20
As a manager, one of the ways to gauge your accomplishments is by evaluating your team's performance and the management's remarks. If the employees' performance is relatively strong and the management is satisfied with your services, you might be executing your duties perfectly. However, even if everything is flowing perfectly, you might be making mistakes that might be hurting your employees mentally. But, they might be avoiding telling you that you're not doing the right thing for fear of victimization.
If you continue making these mistakes, you will demoralize your team, affecting their productivity. Therefore, don't make the following mistakes if you don't want to discourage your junior staff and eventually affect your company's performance.
Don't Rule out Any Idea before evaluating it properly
One of the mistakes that might affect employees mentally is ruling out an idea before evaluating it properly. For example, even if the business is booming at your company, one of your employees might have a great idea of realizing more success. However, if they approach you with the idea and turn it down without evaluating its effectiveness, you might make them think they are irrelevant to the company. Besides, you might discourage them from sharing any other ideas with you in the future.
Therefore, whenever an employee approaches you suggesting that you do things differently, take time to listen to their suggestions. Then, analyze their proposal to know how they might make the company better. If they might bring positive changes to your firm, strategize on how to implement them. Even if you don't find them valuable, your employees will appreciate that you listened to them, and they might realize their importance to your business.
Don't Criticize Employees without Being Constructive
As a leader in your company, one of your responsibilities is to offer professional advice on how employees can better handle their tasks if they experience any challenges. Your advice will help them to address their shortcomings, helping them to become better and grow professionally. However, suppose you keep scolding employees for handling their tasks incorrectly or making errors in their projects without telling them how to handle them better. In that case, they might feel frustrated and worthless.
Therefore, don't criticize workers whenever you feel they could have handled their work differently to produce better results. Instead, please provide them with valuable information to help them learn from their mistakes and become experts in their profession.
Don't Criticize Employees Infront of Their Colleagues or Clients
Criticizing your employees in front of their colleagues or clients can also affect them psychologically. If an employee feels humiliated by your actions, they might be stressed, which might affect their morale and performance. If the situation continues, their inefficiency might hurt your business performance. Therefore, whenever you want to express your disappointment in your employees' performance, invite them to your office and tell them whatever you want behind closed doors. If you could feel uncomfortable being called out in front of your peers, think of what other people could feel if you did the same to them.
Don't ignore or Take a lot of Time to Respond When Employees Require Your Assistance
As the company president, you have many responsibilities to ensure that all the day-to-day operations run smoothly. That includes holding regular meetings to plan and strategize how to offer better services to ensure that your clients are satisfied. You are also responsible for attending to any pressing tasks that might arise throughout the day. However, even with the tight schedule, you should also set aside some time for your employees whenever they need assistance.
If a worker approaches you requiring our help and you ignore or take time before assisting them, they might feel unimportant to the company. As a result, that might hurt their self-esteem, affecting their efficiency. Therefore, if you can't offer the assistance, an employee requires at the moment, send them a message informing them that you're currently busy. Then, inform them that you will attend to their issue as soon as possible. That will make them feel valued, and they might not be afraid to seek your help whenever they face a similar or different problem in the future.
Even if your employees are effective and your company realizes your desired results, which does not mean that everyone is happy with you. You might be unknowingly making mistakes that might be affecting workers psychologically, and they might be suffering in silence. Therefore, evaluate your behavior to realize whether you have been making any of the mistakes above. Then, try to avoid them in the future. If you don't, you might become a boss that no one wants to serve.