Government Blames Delta Variant for Poor Economy
- Author: Mary Singleton
- Posted: 2025-01-27
Estimates for unemployed Americans differ all across the board, depending on which outlet you look at. This wasn't the case under President Trump, as most outlets wanted to rub in his face the fact that so many had lost their jobs. Under President Biden, however, we find some outlets reporting that 8 million are unemployed, while others report it as 10. The funny thing here, however, is that all of these outlets released the exact same article a few days ago, complaining that 11 million Americans will lose their federal unemployment benefits on September 6 (Labor Day) when they expire. So, it's rather odd that at least 11 million Americans are drawing unemployment benefits, but 11 million aren't unemployed? Though now the narrative is starting to change, and media outlets are admitting that there are more than 11 million unemployed Americans. Though rather than blaming that on anything Joe Biden-related at all, they're instead blaming that on the Delta COVID-19 variant which has been widely spoken about.
We say it has been widely spoken about because, to date, there is no scientific explanation that has been released to the public to show the difference in normal COVID-19 and the Delta variant, not to even mention the huge trending topic of the day (Saturday, Sep 4), which states that it is illegal for doctors to tell patients which COVID variant they have. Very odd. Everything in America just seems very odd these days, and that means that blaming America's unemployment rate on the Delta variant actually makes perfect sense in that context.
According to a lot of media sources, analysts and others, the solution to this problem is "very simple," and Joe Biden is going to lead us out of it. The problem is, nobody has seen Joe Biden in over a week, nor his Vice President Kamala Harris.
Simplistic Answers for Complex Problems
Whether one is a fan of America's massive government or if they stand against it, most honest people will at least admit that government often seeks to offer simplistic explanations for very complex problems, and maybe that's part of the reason problems cannot get solved. For instance, and admittedly off-topic: The black wealth gap in America being explained constantly as a symptom of "racism" as it's explained by politicians. Though if that was the case, why then can't they fix it with their supposedly simple solutions? The problem seems to be a lot more complex than they want to admit. It's the same with the poor economic performance since Joe Biden took office. While they blame it on the Delta variant, there seems to be a lot more to it.
The mainstream media is guilty of helping to carry water for the politicians who claim that everything is so simple. If there's a problem, just elect and count on Politician X to fix it. Mainstream media outlets have been pushing this narrative for Joe Biden since 2019. Soon after he took office in January of 2021, Republican governors decided to play politics and be defiant with President Biden, and so they opened their state economies back up. This created a mini job boom, and the numbers were carried by Joe Biden and the mainstream media as a sign of Biden's (nonexistent) economic policies being a great thing for America. Though this narrative was quickly destroyed, and a normal politician with a normal media would have had to eat crow, like George H. W. Bush with his "No new taxes" line, which haunted him for his entire life. With this administration, it's simply ignored and now we're told that Biden's American Jobs Plan is going to fix everything with new billions in spending. See? Simple, or so they claim.
The reality is that this problem of American unemployment is extremely complex, and it's compounded by wage stagnation's return, high inflation, and a massive accumulation of debt faster than it can be counted. America is in serious danger of crashing so hard that the Great Depression will look like boom-times in comparison. And all this administration can say, if it says anything at all, is that the solution is simple. Just more spending. Just more lock-downs. Just more masks. Just more vaccines. Many Americans simply want to know: If it's all so simple, why haven't the problems been fixed yet?
The current state of the economy is a global embarrassment. Nobody honest would put all of this on Joe Biden's shoulders, having only been President less than a year. Though honest people also wouldn't claim he's helping at all by focusing on everything but the economy.