What the Alternative Media Says about Jobs Under Biden
- Author: Chris Remington
- Posted: 2024-11-06
As we witnessed in election season of 2016, most media really do not know what they're talking about when it comes to political polling. Most sources had Hillary Clinton winning in a landslide, only to have Donald Trump shock the world. So when people start predicting Biden's win in November against Trump, we must all take these predictions with a grain of salt. Though, if Biden were to win, which is a distinct possibility, what would the jobs economy look like under his presidency? To help us get a better picture of this, we spoke to alternative media to see what people outside of the mainstream have to say.
In an interview with Halsey English, owner and editor in chief of Halsey News, an alternative media site supporting the economy, English spoke at length about the state of the jobs market if Biden were to win the presidency. "Joe Biden," Halsey states, "is a force for a political party that abandoned the idea of job creation decades ago. As we saw under an [Obama] presidency, the idea that Democrats can bring jobs back to America is preposterous." English went on to state that Democrats make good on their promises for things like 'healthcare and guaranteed student loans and larger welfare draws," though when it comes to actually creating jobs so Americans can maintain gainful employment, Democrats seem to "throw their hands in the air, as did Obama, and claim these jobs will never come back." You would have to "be a magician," said Barack Obama, when speaking about America's lost industries.
Those jobs that disappeared under Bush the Younger and stayed away under Barack Obama did come back, however, under President Trump. A lot of us forget that prior to the Covid-19 pandemic that's still sweeping the globe, America had the strongest jobs economy in the history of the entire nation. Black unemployment was at a historic all-time low. More women were in the workforce than at any other point in history, or any other nation on the planet. Things might be looking bleak in 2020, but from 2017 until earlier this year, America experienced one of the biggest economic booms the world has ever witnessed.
"The thing about [Joe Biden] as president is that jobs are not a priority for Democrats," English explained. "While they can talk a good game about the middle class, they have gutted the coal industry and manufacturing in favor of China and are more focused on passing legislation about people's pronouns than actually having jobs." As Halsey continued railing against the idea that Democrats are good for America's economy, he reminded us where their priorities lie. "Half the states are governed by Democrats, and every big major metro area in the nation is 100% Democrat. And how strong is their economy? Anywhere, at any time, you find Democrats in power, you find a loss of industry entirely, to the point they over-extend themselves offering welfare just to keep their constituency from revolting."
Democrats' Troubling Jobs Record
Objectively speaking, no matter where one stands on the political spectrum, Democrats have done nothing but lose jobs since the era of Bill Clinton. From Presidents and Senators to Representatives and even local mayors, Democrats have a dozen things on their agenda that stand higher than the creation of jobs. Ironically enough, one of the reasons Democrats do not seem to care about job creation is that they want welfare programs increased. "At some point," says English, "we have to face up to the truth of today's Democratic Party, in that they don't believe in working for a living, but rather dependency on government, as hard work and capitalism are thought to be manifestations of a white supremacist nation, therefore must be dismantled. And in dismantling these systems of oppression, Democrats have agreed with the citizens to provide them with what they need financially, so why would they ever seek to create jobs?"
Of course, it should be known that Halsey English is merely offering his political opinion here on a potential Biden presidency. But for Americans who are focused on our jobs economy, it should be a bit unsettling when the facts suggest that Democrats do nothing to spur the creation of jobs. They tax industries more heavily and put in tougher regulations and drive business away.
Only time will tell what America's jobs economy would look like under a Biden presidency. Though for the working class people out there, they just hope for a strong economy and don't rightly care who gives it to them.